Rabu, 19 Mei 2010

Chara > Suzaku Kururugi

Lelouch's childhood friend and son of Japan's last prime minister, Genbu Kururugi. Suzaku is in the service of the Britannia Army as a soldier and chosen to test an experimental new model of Knightmare Frame, the Lancelot. Throughout the series, Suzaku shows a belief that achieving results by wrong or illegal methods is meaningless, setting up a rivalry with Zero. Suzaku also became Lelouch's classmate.
Although he is an Eleven, he is part of the Britannian Forces as an honorary Britannian. His skills as a soldier are first-class, but his pure intentions and tendency to believe in the goodwill of others does create a burden for him at times. Unlike Lelouch who is trying to crush the Britannia Empire, he strives to restructure the system from the inside.

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